This year, we were asked to develop an interactive Science Quiz for children on themes such as Energy and Transport, Environment and Climate Change, Innovation and Growth, and Safety and Security.

For many years, MCW has developed various audiovisual and multimedia resources for the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. This year, we were asked to develop an interactive Science Quiz for children on themes such as Energy and Transport, Environment and Climate Change, Innovation and Growth, and Safety and Security. 

We designed an online game, including a variant which can be used at trade fairs and events as well as in the European Commission's three science centres. This flexible solution uses small tablets and one large screen. The questions are shown on the large screen and the children can use their wireless tablets to choose their own ‘character’, allowing them to answer without other people seeing what they are saying. 

We also developed a Quiz Management System which allows the staff of the European Commission to update, supplement and modify all the questions and answers themselves in no fewer than six languages. 

Last month, the quiz was already used during open days in Ispra (Italy) and Brussels. Permanent displays will soon be installed in the European Commission's three science centres and the tablets will be taken to various events in Europe.